首页 > Rnb > 【Album】Hector Troy - The Ballad Of Hector Troy[2007][iTunes Plus AAC](R&B老砖推荐挺不错的哦!!)

【Album】Hector Troy - The Ballad Of Hector Troy[2007][iTunes Plus AAC](R&B老砖推荐挺不错的哦!!)

2010年5月20日 浏览:6961 发表评论 阅读评论

专辑名称:The Ballad Of Hector Troy
歌手姓名:Hector Troy

hey every one i just wanna say thanks to anybody who checks out my page i apreciate it so much for you to even take the time to do so to know my music is to know me to loe it is to love me too and to support me as an artist is to give me more drive to keep making music for your ears so once again thanks im a very greatful person for everything i get and have and those things that i dont have a rely on god to hopefully one day bless me with them im very laid back and dedicated to my music so if there is a girl out there for me i hope she can get that and be there no matter what a strong girl is definitely a keeper. i beleive there really is somebody for every one and thats my word i have plenty of faith.lol life is very hard and confusing at times but i love that i get to choose how my experinces affect me. so the way i see it i take everything for what it is,come what may.at the end of the day i dont regret anything. because if i wouldnt have been through some of the things i have in my life i wouldnt have met some of the greatest people i know now to any one whor eads this never take anybody for granted always give people the benifit of the dought cause you never know and if you have an aspiration to be anything in life never give up on that dream as i will never give up on mine its always the best things in life that are the hardest too get especialy complete happyness

01 H. Troy.m4a
02 What You Came Here Fo'.m4a
03 Leave It Alone.m4a
04 Tonight.m4a
05 Could She Be the One.m4a
06 All About You (Interlude).m4a
07 I Heard You Like It.m4a
08 Lady.m4a
09 Key to My Heart.m4a
10 Think of Me.m4a
11 Nothin Like Me.m4a
12 Crack Juice.m4a
13 Driver's Seat.m4a
14 One Shot.m4a
15 I Got 'Em Like.m4a
16 I Miss You.m4a



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分类: Rnb 标签: , ,
  1. 2010年5月20日22:34 | #1

    :-| 这张赞啊 !~~盖盖威武

  2. aug
    2010年5月21日22:17 | #3


  3. Jeremy
    2010年5月21日23:02 | #4

    那篇心理感受看到看到一半看不下去了 :arrow:

  4. 鱼鹰
    2010年5月22日20:10 | #6

    试听了一下,的确很赞 8) 8)

  5. kafeijiashui
    2010年5月23日15:43 | #7

    :wink: 我喜欢这种音乐的节奏 谢谢诶

  6. 渺。
    2010年5月28日21:46 | #9


  7. sokyo
    2010年6月1日22:44 | #10

    一个字~赞!!! :idea:

  8. 枫。。。
    2010年6月5日15:07 | #11

    能帮多弄几个下载的么? :wink: 为了下个歌又的下个下载器·· :-?

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:wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( 8-O 8)