首页 > Rnb > 【Album】Joel-《Curious》(Exclusive)(全能型年轻R&B歌手首张大碟)


2008年5月11日 浏览:2423 发表评论 阅读评论

简单介绍下,20岁来自英国的全能型R&B年轻歌手,6岁开始演出,受Stevie Wonder和Michael Jackson的影响长大,倾注了他心血的首张个人大碟于2008.04.20开始提供下载,试听了全碟,的确可圈可点,后生可畏啊,哈哈,推荐
Joel is a 20 year old Rnb singer/songwriter from the UK. Caught up in the intense rise of Urban music during his childhood he began performing at only 6 years of age, inspired by the musical talent of Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson. Attending stagecoach and playing lead roles in local performances and talent shows developed Joel's ability to act, sing and dance at a young age. These experiences were what fuelled his desire to begin writing material of his own. Currently working on his forthcoming album 'CURIOUS', Joel says "I have poured my heart and soul into this piece of work, what you are hearing are my deepest thoughts and emotions. The words are words that I could never speak, and the songs are a diary of my pleasure and my pain..." Due to be available April 20th 2008, 'CURIOUS' will be available for download on i-tunes music store along with other retailers. The album will feature the tracks 'Make Love, 'Casino' and 'When You're Not Around' along with much new material. At only 20 years of age, Joel has entered the music scene as a versatile vocalist, talented songwriter and skilled dancer. Joel is neither from some producers A-list, or part of the country capitals flourishing Urban music scene, but from the North-West, and determined to prove that persistence and charisma still have a place in the music industry.
Joel's music incorporates the styles and influences of many Urban and Rnb artists to bring a style that is original and unique. Joel's love for many different musical genres combined with the ability to rap aswell as sing, means that Joel's tracks often vary in style and approach whether it be an Uptempo Rnb track, a soft ballad, or a HipHop/Rap track. (映云同学的收集)


2-Joel-Keep You Up Late.mp3
3-Joel-When You're Not Around.mp3
5-Joel-The One That U Want.mp3
6-Joel-Can I Say.mp3
7-Joel-What She Wants (ft. Lil' Kastro).mp3
8-Joel-Why Are You Leaving Me.mp3
9-Joel-Make Love.mp3
10-Joel-Can't Help But See.mp3
11-Joel-Won't Let Me Go.mp3
12-Joel-Casino (Remix ft. J-Sinzz).mp3


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  1. 映云
    2008年5月11日05:45 | #1


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:wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( 8-O 8)