首页 > Rock > 【Album】We Are The Fallen - Tear The World Down[2010]

【Album】We Are The Fallen - Tear The World Down[2010]

2010年5月19日 浏览:6007 发表评论 阅读评论

专辑名称:Tear The World Down
歌手姓名:We Are The Fallen
专辑大小:91.1MB 320K及以上
专辑介绍:伊凡塞斯(Amy lee单飞)之后ben的与其他成员组成新团,这里不用多介绍!
主唱:美国偶像第5和第7季的女歌手Carly Smithson(注:第7季美国偶像选秀的第6名)。
吉他手:本-穆迪(Ben Moody)
鼓手:罗基-加里(Rocky Gary)
吉他手:约翰-勒坎普(John LeCompt)
We Are the Fallen is a rock band consisting of former American Idol contestant Carly Smithson, Marty O'Brien and former Evanescence members Ben Moody, John LeCompt, and Rocky Gray. The band's name is an allusion to Evanescence's 2003 album, Fallen, which has resulted in criticism for their very similar sound to Evanescence.[4][5] In a Los Angeles Times interview, co-founder of Evanescence, Ben Moody, said that We Are the Fallen differs from Evanescence in that "everyone is equal" and that it has "more energy than Evanescence could ever muster."[6] He also stated, "We cannot try to be who we are. If there is some similarity in sound, it's because that genre was created by us."[7]

01 - Bury Me Alive
02 - Burn
03 - Paradigm
04 - Don’t Leave Me Behind
05 - Sleep Well, My Angel
06 - Through Hell
07 - I Will Stay
08 - Without You
09 - St. John
10 - I Am Only One
11 - Tear the World Down
12 - Like a Prayer(192k)
13 - Bury Me Alive (Acoustic Bonus Track)



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  1. 2010年5月19日19:14 | #1


  2. 一弦一柱思华年
    2010年5月20日00:33 | #2

    绝对支持 :wink:

  3. lanjian
    2010年6月17日23:32 | #3

    :wink: 支持,这么好的音乐一起分享就是一种快乐!!!!!!!!!谢谢呢! :oops:

  4. 那天
    2010年6月26日14:45 | #4

    文件下不了,能重新上传下么。谢谢 很喜欢他的歌。

  5. beau
    2010年7月2日09:21 | #5

    以后考虑多更点这种风格的rock吧 :lol:

    2010年7月7日09:45 | #6

    :wink: 支持~~等他们等的真是够久了~

    • 2010年7月7日10:02 | #7

      谢谢支持,不过他们已经不是伊凡塞斯了,而是The fallen,伊凡塞斯在amylee的带领下肯定的三辑发行时间为今年秋天!

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:wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( 8-O 8)