首页 > Pop > 【Album】Sarah Whatmore-《Time To Think》[2009](很舒服!!)

【Album】Sarah Whatmore-《Time To Think》[2009](很舒服!!)

2009年3月30日 浏览:3714 发表评论 阅读评论

专辑名称:Time To Think
歌手姓名:Sarah Whatmore
Sarah Louise Whatmore (born 1981 and raised in Walkden[1][2], in the City of Salford, England) is a singer best known from the British TV series Pop Idol.
Sarah Whatmore rose to fame in the first series of the British television show Pop Idol. Judge Simon Cowell signed her to 19 Recordings.
In 2003 she released two singles "When I Lost You" and "Automatic" which both landed in the Top 20 of the charts. Whatmore was writing for fellow Idol alumni and spent time working on her debut record, Living Proof.
A third single failed to materialize and the release of "Living Proof" was cancelled. Several recordings were leaked over the years including "Close To Me" and "Don't Let Me Go". Many wrote Whatmore off as another casuality of reality talent TV.
Whatmore was still writing music. She continued to record and write for herself as well as other artists. In 2008, after 5 years of trying, she finally came up with an album of material. The first single was titled "Smile", and was released on September 22nd. It contains a sample of Hall & Oates's "Sarah Smile". The single included remixes by Bimbo Jones and Vito Benito. The album, "Time To Think", is to be released on the 23rd March 2009.


1-Sarah Whatmore-Undefined.mp3
2-Sarah Whatmore-Smile.mp3
3-Sarah Whatmore-Somewhere I Belong.mp3
4-Sarah Whatmore-Unsure.mp3
5-Sarah Whatmore-Permanent Last Resort.mp3
6-Sarah Whatmore-Time To Think.mp3
7-Sarah Whatmore-Innocence.mp3
8-Sarah Whatmore-Empathy.mp3
9-Sarah Whatmore-Surrender.mp3
10-Sarah Whatmore-Own Designs.mp3


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  1. Anson
    2009年3月31日12:45 | #1


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