首页 > Hip Hop > 【News】Outsider Releases Tracklist for 3rd Album "Protagonist"(主唱、主角)内附歌手介绍!

【News】Outsider Releases Tracklist for 3rd Album "Protagonist"(主唱、主角)内附歌手介绍!

2010年10月20日 浏览:5444 发表评论 阅读评论

歌手介绍:韩国说唱最快的歌手,之前的mixtape有他的作品,单身这首作品也是传唱一时,大家可以去youku看视频!下面就是他明天发行的第三张正规专辑的歌单,这个歌手我很喜欢,集旋律唱功于一身,现在正在打造一个团体,专攻speed(fast)rap,其隶属于Mc Sniper的Sniper sound!
以下是转自Snipersound @twitter (Company official twitter)
正文:Outsiders new album is titled "Protagonist". This will be his 3rd comeback since debut and he hasn't failed yet. This new full length album has 15 songs and the tracklist has been revealed. Outsiders album releases is now on the 21st.
01. Hit Me (feat. Illinit)
02. Protagonist (feat. LMNOP)
03. Masquerade (feat. Park Mi Kyung)
04. Go Go Sing (feat. Whale)
05. A Pose Needed for Break Ups (feat. Kuan of All That)
06. The Tears of Pierrot 3 (feat. Rimi)
07. To Boy (feat. Morning Star)
08. Skit
09. Real (feat. Sunday2pm)
10. S.O.B (feat. Jibaek, SAN-E)
11. Rollercoaster (feat. Yohan of Pia)
12. Gift (feat. KEIKEI)
13. Everlasting (feat. Curious, Sunday2pm, KEIKEI, LMNOP, Kuan of Blockbuster)
14. Voyage Outside of the World (feat. L.E.O, KEIKEI)
15. Conversations of a Dream (feat. Acquaintance)
黑色标注歌手为以前Bestmusic of K-pop推荐歌曲中出现的歌手,有兴趣可以探讨,正规专辑明天出来,届时我会发布,质量请大家放心!
Outsider’s girlfriend is a 25-year-old violinist, and she participated in his 3rd album as part of the violin session.




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  1. naiqii
    2010年10月20日20:47 | #1

    惊艳! 8-O

  2. 猴子
    2010年10月21日11:56 | #2

    我更喜欢 mc Sniper

  3. sexy_miho
    2010年10月25日07:47 | #3

    突然发现MV里的发挥 还不如这个LIVE的 :roll:

  4. 星仔
    2010年11月6日16:50 | #4

    看来审死官遇到对手了... :wink:

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:wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( 8-O 8)